Eh, I've lived between the same two houses in the same town for 40 years. Always been a rural kinda guy, like the freedom to shoot, cuss, and pee where I want |:
I'll send you a few bucks, put some pictures in teh NG Dump, send you a PM... Wow, you're a homeowner, that's what I wanna do when I grow up ;) Likely going to rent a place while looking for a small patch to farm and live on... so, it takes time for soil and water samples, title search :p Trying to find homes for cats, ugggh :(
Hm, what could you draw for me... you usually do guys well, but I'm not sure if I'd want a dude, or even a girl. Today might be a good day to make a new post... definitely use the above pic again.
So, you're poor, but in good spirits? I'm the opposite just now. You're a licensed mortician now, yeah?
I do finearts as well; in the case of me seriously needing money I will branch off and draw anything to the best of my ability. I train in classical realism so there are lots of options.
I'm poor, but not starving; went a different path from my original plan 3 or 4 years ago; I now train in fine arts, own my own house; I'm getting into real estate investment & I love it very much.
I'm sorry to hear that; you're not poor; but not happy?