So I decided to update my NG Blog, so that's what I'm doing. No more putting it off. Even though I really have nothing really at all to say. I suppose I should tell you sweet hearts what's going on with what...ugh.
So if you haven't noticed, because I didn't until recently. I kind of stopped drawing the Z Team. Lost all flame. Which is really silly because I've never been so dedicated to something. Igh. Anyways, I plan to pick back up on it after I'm done with this show. I think I'm just gunna spit out a whole shit load of pages to get to the exciting stuff, then come back through later & fix everything up..I also still wnat to do that flash. VERY BADLY. But I procrastinate far too much, & I'm basically idea-less. I don't want suggestions. Don't give me any fucking suggestions. I hate that.
That's what's pretty much going on over there. I'm busy & too lazy to do anything serious, But I have been drawing more. I've been very very lost & confused with my art. It's driving me crazy, like my style keeps changing & everything I draw I hate. I'm just not feeling it anymore, like I'm competing with myself way too much & it's taking away from the art itself. Ugh. You ever have that problem? It's never really happened to me before...
Oh before I forget, please. Do you guys know any good Swedish movies? or just foreign movie in general? Ive watched almost all of them on Netflix & I'm running oput! Help help! <3
So yeah...just wanted to let you guys know I'm busy. That's pretty much it.
Oh & I love this one guy. Kinda a lot. It's no big deal though.
I just want to spend the rest of my life with him.
(+10 for the hair, +10 for the art, +5 for the forum, +10 for the eye make-up, -3 for long typing that intimidates me, +15 for being a female on NG, +15 for showing proof)
43 cool points
7 away from meeting the awesome rank
:D yay for points!
I feel like a winner already!