Opening night is thursday! Ah I can't wait!
I just got back from tech, ughhh 9 hours in a wig, heels & huge dresses. Not fun.
ahah but it was at the same time. My throat is so sore. But so worth it. I love being the Queen.
The musical director. Who I /used/ to have a crush on 2 years ago (silly me) Arlo says my song is wonderful. I'm not a musical person, but since I put lots of character into it, it sounds great ahahah.
Awesome sauce. Just thought I'd let you guys know whatsup..They're supposed to be filming it, so I might put a few scenes on youtube to show you guys when everythings done! haha
sooo tell me, summer plans? xx
love you.
-Thumbs. x
in my bed? can it be true? please?
of course (;
x haha