So tonight, while watching a doc. on Sadist cannibalistic serial killers. As it rolled to the part about Jeffrey Dahmer (One of my favs) I got to thinking about the little asian boy he killed..Konerak Sinthasomphone, who died at age 14.
I get real sick when I think about him, merely because this young boy's death could've been avoided. But. By the stupidity of our law enforcement, the police brought this drugged child who was indeed bleeding from his anus, butt naked in the middle of the road. back into Dahmer's hands. It's ridiculous how Dahmer convinced them that the boy was 18 & they were lovers. Even though the young boy had no ID at all, & when the cops came up to his apartment (213, My PO box number). They reported smelling a foul stench coming from within it. They came into the living room, but did not investigate any other rooms.
If they had looked into Jeffrey Dahmer's bedroom, they would've seen a rotting corpse laying on the bed, Naked, burnt with acid & other chemicals & parts ripped off. If they would have ventured into his foul smelling bathroom they would've found a skinned body, laying in the bath tub. & if only. If only they had checked the kitchen. Within his refrigerator the cops would've discovered, lungs, intestines, a liver, kidney's & one heart. In the freezer, a brain & more intestines.
On the night of May 27, 1991, this poor child was murdered after being so close to safety. But, our law enforcement failed to do their jobs, due to laziness. The two cops who handed the underage child back over to Dahmer were fired soon after Dahmer was caught. But then re-hired & made honorary cops soon after.
The whole thing sickens me. It makes me want to puke, the fact that things like this happen everyday. & It's not just failing to investigate & do there jobs. It happens in the court too. Millions of murders confess to other crimes they didn't do, just so they can get higher privileges. This means. That hundreds of murders & other crimes are closed, & the real crook is still out there. The police don't mind this because as long as the case is closed it's less work for them.
Is this world so corrupt, that we would endanger more life's just because people don't feel like doing the jobs they've been trained to do. The jobs they signed up for because they wanted to make a difference?
I couldn't tell you how to fix this problem, because our whole law system relies on trust. Just like our money. It's kind of an out of sight out of mind thing. I don't see an ending to this anytime soon. Ever. But, I want the world to be aware about this stuff...It's been bugging me.
And that's all I have to say..
If you read all that I congratulate you. Seriously. Just been a lot on my mind recently, & that set me off. Happy Valentines Day by the way.
Ok guys, I want opinions on this, & if you didn' t read it, how was your Valentines Day? Do anything special?
I didn't. I went out with my parents, no valentines or anything. But no heartbreak so It wasn't a bad day. Did you know Valentines Day celebrates the death of Saint Valentine, who was illegally marrying christian couples. Well now you do.
it also somewhat celebrates old rituals way back when, where on the 13th I think, males would would be whipped, or do the whipping to or by women to improve their fertility. Not completely sure on that one, if I'm wrong. Feel free to correct me. If I'm right. You learned something new today.
Have a lovely evening & a happy valentines day.