ughhh I'm still unscouted :[ *pout* If someone has been re-scouted, care to scout me again? I'll luv u ferever!
Anyway, I'm leaving for Jamaica tomorrow at 4:30AM O.< I'll be gone fer 8 fucking days. Miss me please! I'm gunna take lotsa pics to share with everyone :)
anyway, here are some updates on whats happening with the Z TEAM because I havent really posted anything yet <3
Ok, so I had one page out boom! then my spirit sorta died. This does NOT mean it's over. It only means I'm starting to procrastinate & take my good ol' time. I ahve the thumbs for page 2 all drawn out, now I just gotta do it. I also work on the scrpt every night so..gah. What's going on?
I'm also working on character sheets. So you guys will get to see everybody & their talents, teams whatnot. Get u all hyped.
Coming up we have:
Rowan(me) - [95%]
Wilder - [3%]
Julia - [0%]
Mike - [0%]
Cody - [5%]
Then I'll sketch out a few back ground sheets of their main areas, some weapons, some objects. Even a few zombies just to get everything down ya' know? I jumped so fast into the first page I dunt like it, I'm re-designing some stuff with rowan, so in page 2 or 3 if liek all of a sudden her pants are different please IGNORE it. I'm counting page 1 as a test & nothing more, even though it'll still be PG 1.
I'm also thinking of story line, I'm not sure whether I should have the characters already knowing each other or if everyone should meet along teh way. Also, should Z TEAM already be formed or is it something that the group forms from their experiance? Give ur guy's opinions!
Also as you guys know, this is going to focus mainly on the HUMOR aspect & less of the horror. Like it might give people shivers to think about being one of the only LIVING humans left. But I don;t want the comic to dwell on that, yes it will also involve lots of zombie action. But I want lots of silly jokes, & like the way they beat most of the zombies is luck or just idiocy. Most of the characters will not be common sense smart, but i think it'll give people a laugh.
IT WILL have sad parts too, maybe someone getting sick or a romance thing ya' know? I want this comic to reach out to everybody who reads it at some point. This also means that it will NOT have a uniform look to it. Some days I might feel like doing a chibi page, & others I might just put 50 hours of detail into it.
It's my comic i'll do what I want. >:[
The website is also being designed right now. I have one domain name, which I ahvent put anything onto yet cos i dunno i'm lazy. But i'm buying another one, that way everyone can go to the site & look at nothing but the comic & the characters. It'll be nothing but Z TEAM. It's going to have the different teams, all the characters, the comic, merch. Some of it will be only for friends but ya' know if this gets bigger, because i already have a huge fan base growing on myspace.
watch out.
I'll post screenshots of the site design soon. I'm working on flash buttons & shit now actually.
be excited.
I've just finished two sketches of Rowan & Cody, I'll color them & put them up tomorrow or Friday! I think I've come up with Rowan's final character design! which is GREAT! I've been playing with her forever, it doesn't look like much has changed but I'm more comfortable with her now, she looks ....better. I'm still working on Cody but his is easier, I think I'll stick with what I have for now. I hate his buzz cut, so I'm going to ask him tomorrow if I can cheat & make it a lil longer, or I'll be cool & throughout the comic & time his hair gets longer along with everyone else's xD That'd be cool.
I like when comics do shit like that. I Re-Read I LUV HALLOWEEN again, & got inspired. Ben Roman is seriously my hero. I'm trying not to take his style but it's kinda creeping in, but I'm working hard not too. As long as it keeps me drawing though.....
So that's whats going down, I'll try to write or draw while I'm away but I dunno...
tlk to you all laters!!!!!
[NEW YOUTUBE!]SLOW KIDS CROSSING <sub>[[This is my new youtube me & some friends made to post all our skits & shorts. Come check us out!]]</sub>
JROCKER!! \m/>3<\m/